Keurig Media Plan

Keurig Media Plan

  • An In-depth media analysis of Keurig Brewers
  • Weekly and Yearly budget allocation
  • Content:
  • Executive Summary
  • Competitive SWOT Analysis for Flavia and Nescafe
  • Keurig SWOT Analysis
  • Keurig Creative Brief
  • Media Objectives:

-Target Audience, Media Budget Allocation, Campaign Dates, National Campaign, Geographical Weight, Reach v. Frequency and Media Focus (Television, Magazine, Direct Mail).

Research Team

Kate Slanker

Neal Patten

Anthony Sylvester

Nate Podboy

Slutty Salsa

This is the recipe for my favorite salsa in the world. I make it almost every day and it has become a staple in my diet. I will show you how to properly make my creation with pictures!

The first word to come to mind when tasting my salsa is the word slutty. It’s so slutty it lingers in your mouth, makes your eyes water, and begs you for more and more. It’s hilarious and a perfect description. Hence the name, Slutty Salsa.

Cooking is all about preparation and cleanliness. A clean kitchen is a happy kitchen! Sounds stupid but it’s very true, you don’t want crap everywhere to distract you from getting your task done. So clean up fools!


The items you need in order to make this God’s gift to mankind are as follows:


Cutting board (I like the flexible ones, easy to clean easy to use)


½ Tablespoon

Sharp knife

Can opener

Big container (1 Batch makes about 1 quart of salsa)


This is the bee’s knees. I cannot stress enough you have to use this brand in order to have the same delicious

consistency that is Nate’s Slutty Salsa. Use 2 cans for 1 batch.

1 Onion with my Sharp knives on my sweet flexible cutting board. Onion looks a little green. Don’t shop at

Aldi’s. 1/2 onion for 1 batch. Can also add green onion

Next is Jalapenos, or Jap-a-leenas as my old boss used to call them. I go with about a half cup of these babies but if you like it hot just add more/less.

Next is good ole chili powder to add some more kick. Bought this shiz for $1. 1/2 teaspoon

Ground Cumin, another staple ingredient for the Salsa. Smells like a Mexican Restaurant as soon as you open

the cap. Good Stuff. 1/2 teaspoon

This is cilantro. Cilantro is absolutely delicious. It adds tremendous flavor to the salsa, just give it a quick smell and see what I mean! 1/2 cup diced.

~The next 2 ingredients are optional but I always try to include one or the other to give it an amazing hotness to the salsa.

Bought these guys from The West Side Market in the grand city of Cleveland, Ohio. Bought $20 worth, felt like an awkward drug deal. I love the West Side Market, it has so many wild foods! Seriously go there if you love to cook with a wide variety of ingredients!

These peppers are seriously hot as fug and should be taken seriously! Take super caution when handling these peppers and thoroughly wash your hands after use. I typically take a Purell Bath and wash my hands with cement. AVOID ALL EYE CONTACT 

IT WILL FEEL LIKE DEATH.  I use 1-2 peps for one batch . Of course if you guys can’t stand the heat I suggest using alternatives:

Any sauce with Habanero is good. 1-2 tablespoon for one batch. Nice eyeshadow lady.

Serrano peppers also make a great alternative. Hotter than Jalapenos and Habanero so add sparingly!

Start makin salsa!

Gatta start by warshin yer oinyins. Notice my excellent posture and lack of doing the dishes (breakin my own rule here!). Every girl’s dream

Water’s for Quitters!

Next Cut it in half

Slice & Dice. Cutting an onion is such a beautiful scene! It always brings a tear to my eye.

Add onions


Add Chili Powd

Add your Cumin

Dice Japs & Add Cilantro. What I like to do is put the cilantro in a bowl and cut it with scissors. Add it into your blender and then put the Jalapenos in the same bowl. The juices from the Jalapenos will pick up any cilantro leaves still stuck on your bowl!

I used these two sorry devils. They look so mean!

I used a Mortar and Pestle because I’m old school and I have one. Grind it up or slice, your choice. Might want to

wear gloves when handling peppers.

Stir that mukluk up

Mix sporadically until consistency desired.

Pour into container & put it into the fridge. This salsa is much like a fine wine, it has to ferment. Let it sit in the fridge for 1-2 hours until settled. Once it has settled it is ready to be devoured. I have found that as it ages it gets even hotter!

Thanks for going through my journey in creating my favorite dish in the universe. I hope it was enjoyable and I promise you will not regret it. This salsa is my creation that I must share to the world. Thanks everyone and enjoy your little slut!